Mature Wild Grape Leaf
A leaf from the Vitis Riparia Michx, a.k.a., Frost Grape or Riverbank Grape [ Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 80-200mm f/4 @ f/5.6 ]
Grape-o-don teeth - Wild Grape Leaf
A leaf edge from the Vitis Riparia Michx plant, a.k.a., Frost Grape or Riverbank Grape [ Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 80-200mm f/4 @ f/5.6…
Wild Grape Leaf
A leaf from the Vitis Riparia Michx, a.k.a., Frost Grape or Riverbank Grape [ Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 80-200mm f/4 @ f/5.6 ]